
March 21, 2012

we drove into the city, found a great spot to park on west street. walked around enjoying the sunshine. had hot dogs and sodas at the boston common. we rode the T out to south boston for the annual st patty’s day parade – lots of green traveling on the subway!

we waited two hours for the parade, but made it to the front for a great view! the parade was fun, simple, festive – lots of bagpipes, armed forces, star wars, and saint patrick!  we left early. we are not really parade people… i recommend going to it once in your life,


happy weekend!

March 16, 2012

this weekend is packed with goodness. first, sela will be dancing in her first competition with the lil dance team she is on. we are all excited to cheer for her! she has already asked that we don’t forget her flowers. {the details little sis has absorbed after years of watching big sis perform!} kiana, one of her ballet friends, and i have tickets to this. girls night out! kiana is thinking about attending this dance studio next year so we are attending their 2011 show to scope-out the dance scene. myla is going to her first birthday party since we’ve moved to boston. we’ll be celebrating st. patrick’s day here.


when we were in new york city for new years eve. we stopped by the toys ‘r us in times square with our kiddos. as soon as we all took the escalator downstairs and saw this we were hooked —

build-a-robot. a.k.a. robot galaxy.

ROBOTGALAXY™ is a revolutionary mall-based children’s entertainment brand. Its unique in-store experience transforms kids into Explorers as they choose and customize their favorite comic book characters from “The Brotherhood”, a squad of advanced robots newly arrived from Saturn, in an exciting Spaceship environment. Explorers start their journey at “The Bridge” where the five members of The Brotherhood are displayed. Explorers then travel through the Flight Deck and Lab,


utah trip

March 13, 2012

from our trip in february…

1 our kiddos each visited their old schools. a highlight of their time in utah.
2 moi – doing the mom driving all day/everyday routine in our rental SUV.
3 we took my mom to get a haircut & sela tried on all the make-up while waiting for grandma.
4 kiana visited Center Stage {her old studio} to see friends & for a dance class.
5 behind the scenes for the {utah} blogger meet ‘n greet – my mom saved the day! she was such a big help + sela & owen {shelby’s lil boy} were the best helpers! and cutest!
6 more of S &


parent-child book club

March 7, 2012

in january i received an email from kJ’s teacher announcing a parent-child book club. kj is 8 years old and in the third grade. we were instantly interested. until this point of parenting, i had never heard of such an idea. as a parent, i read to my kids when they were babies & toddlers. i love surrounding them with good books filled with beautiful artwork. as they get older, my husband and i put in hours of effort to teach them to read. plus, they receive instruction at school to learn to read. and i’m realizing that somewhere around the time my kids become good readers, i stop reading with them.

typically, because i have four kids,



March 6, 2012

there is a new awesome iPhone app on the scene. if you are a fan of instagram, and want to take that obsession into video. viddy allows you to create & share with your friends fifteen-second videos. like instagram, you can add a filter + music. i love it – the first day i downloaded the app i created these three videos below. {all three can be watched in less than one minute!}

green balloon

winter without snow

my tennis girlie

fun, yeah? are you on viddy? i can be followed as “see_jane”
