moving forward…

July 1, 2012

i feel very present. happy to be right where we are at this moment. Home. Home has had a triple meaning this year, defining both going home and coming home— i recently went home to Utah, where i feel i have the largest collection of family and friends. Some friends have moved elsewhere. For example, a friend has just found a condo at in Berlin. I can’t wait to visit her. Home also being where I was raised in Washington State, yet no family remains in my home town. and Home, being where our family currently resides. When you move house, you can start to get a pretty twisted perception of what ‘home’ truly is. Beyond the process of finding Houston Movers to help you relocate,


homemade fun

June 28, 2012

With my kids home for summer vacation, we built this little game a couple of weeks ago. We also used it at our father’s day party. This would be fun to build in your yard like we did, or put it together while camping this summer!


aluminum cans – start saving food cans
bark mulch or rocks
tree branches – time to go on a nature walk
twine + yarn
optional: index cards + washi tape

1.  place your tree branch in the middle of a large can, and fill the can will bark mulch or rocks to hold the branch in place.


Land’s Sake

June 22, 2012

we went strawberry picking last week with friends. the pickings were very very slim, but we still had a great time outdoors. the best part: we discovered land’s sake! a farm in the suburb right next to us. It’s only about 10 minutes away with a charming veggie stand, and all kinds of cool workshops and events.

once a month they host a supper club: a monthly series of gourmet dinners expertly prepared by a local chef featuring fresh produce from Land’s Sake Farm and other nearby farms. Each monthly three-course dinner at the Barn highlights a seasonal theme served family style to 40 guests in an historic tavern. how fun is that?!?


father’s day 2012.

June 21, 2012

Father’s day was full of sunshine, good food, good friends, and lots of love for our big papi. Like last year, we gave him a blurb-blog book. This was 2008, so we’re only 4 years behind. It’s magical looking through those pages, and seeing all the memories. Makes every minute I spend taking photos, editing, writing – so incredibly worth it.

We cherish our papi. He has always been a hands-on dad, involved in everything that goes on in our home. He works so hard and takes such good care of us. I love all the little things he does – last month he took sela to our neighborhood diner for breakfast,


when grandma came to visit, she spent some time in the kitchen with these two monkeys making her famous cookies —

to make –


1 cup crisco
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1 cup peanut butter
2 cups flour
2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt

shape into cookie balls, place on greased pan, press with a fork, bake at 350 degrees for 9 minutes.

{photos by me.}


well well, what do we have? one of my favorite color combinations yet? it looks that way! mixing brights with neutrals:

party details!

1. i covered the table with brown kraft paper.
2. using two large neon green poster boards i cut them down to smaller sizes to be used as placemats.
3. i added striped washi tape to hold the placemats in place + wrapped the utensils with tape too for a little extra detail. can you tell i love taping stuff?   {purchased locally, found online here.}
4. i  made those happy name place cards using this font.
