still more, from last week…
We had Caryn’s birthday lunch, ahhh, about 24 days late…whoops. We love you Caryn – Happy Belated Birthday!
The Howell Boys & KJ on Danny’s birthday!
Our kids school has had a “read-a-thon” for the entire month of February. This past week each classroom chose a book/theme and the room Mom a.k.a. Dusty Rhodes in this case were in charge of decorating the door with the chosen theme. In Myla’s class the room DAD set records with his amazing door decor. Hello, professional door decorator! Myla’s class chose “The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane,” and Dusty had “fast signs” make a disposable door sticker…can we say, “wowzers!”
It was Myla’s turn once again for “Traveling Tales.”