our 4 little pumpkins…
decorated, colored, and carved their pumpkins!
we truly went all-out this year and last night we stopped by our local Albertsons to hunt for about 20 pumpkins, yes, 20…
Then we came home and the kids used our traditional “Mr. potato head” style pumpkin decor for the first few pumpkins…i love these, they are a riot.Sela kept going out on the front porch this afternoon to visit her pumpkin…
Kiana put her festive socks on to show her pumpkin spirit…
Tonight we carved all of the others. I love carving pumpkins. seriously. I invested in a pumpkin-carving Dremel this year, it was awesome.
nycda – salt lake city
what a fun weekend. I was exhausted at the end of it, and I can only imagine how Kiana felt because she was the one doing all of the dancing! On Friday she attended workshop classes from 3-10:30pm, and then we stayed at the oh-so-hip hotel Monaco. i love their decor…the hotel Monaco is a pet-friendly hotel, but if you have left your pet home, then they have a “guppy love” program. You request a goldfish, and they bring it to you! I requested one to surprise Kiana, she thought it was pretty cool-
On Saturday morning, we were up and going early. Her first workshop class started at 8am. She attended classes till 2:30 and during that time also had scholarship auditions for the minis (ages 7-10 years).
take a deep breath, don’t be nervous…
that’s for me, Kiana’s not nervous at all.
tomorrow afternoon, Kiana goes to her first nycda.
It’s big time.
this summer she will spend 10 days in NYC for the nationals,
way big time.
I’m so excited for her, we will be in SLC for the weekend and will post results
when we are back…
{I’m a proud-nervous-can’t wait to see her dance- dance momma}
kiana bear
my perfect first born,
{most of the time}
I feel as though I don’t post about Kiana enough.
She doesn’t have as many entertaining mishaps, rarely mis-speaks, and it would be strange to post every time she did something WONDERFUL. She is usually doing exactly what she should be. Where she should be.
But today, I’m going to do one run-down of what life is like with Kiana in our family.
I imagine it must be rough being the first born in any family.
The expectations are so high.
There’s less room and tolerance for messing up.
Yet, Kiana always goes above and beyond…every time, we are so lucky.
homemade glitter toes
When we went boating last month with our adorable friend Teresa, she had cute gold glitter toes…
I am totally a fan of glitter toes and as we were chatting she said she just did hers by herself at home! What an awesome idea!
So, Kiana and I went to Wal*Mart a week ago and stocked up on the Martha Stewart glitter collection, and clear nail polish.
Then we tried it out – it’s awesome! Of course, it’s not “gel” so it doesn’t last as long as the real glitter toes. But, you also don’t have to get it drilled off, so it’s less damaging to your nails and it’s incredibly cheap this way!