
July 29, 2010
kiana, and center stage had a fantastic week at nationals for nuvo.

the dancers spend their week, dancing. dancing. dancing. around the clock.

kiana would take workshop classes from 8am-2pm each day. i would meet up with her for lunch, and our typical scene is shown below… dancers and their mommas at lunch break~

then each afternoon from about 4pm-midnight is the national competition. we are not allowed to take photos during the competition because professional videos & photos are offered there, so i am limited, to where i can snap away…but still got a few.

kiana was competing as a junior national break out artist.


LACMA & more…

July 21, 2010

miss twelve. miss twelve is a light in my life that i have always dreamed of…

she has me thoroughly convinced that she prefers hanging out with me over her friends. she has me thoroughly convinced that she highly values my opinions about what she should wear, what color she should buy when shopping for clothing etc, my opinion about how her hair looks, how she should style it, what tastes good…she truly values my opinions about all things. and, she has me convinced that my opinion out-numbers anyone else.

i may have mentioned this before, but miss twelve rarely if ever talks back.


sweet escape.

July 20, 2010

it’s true. each and every time i go to california, i spend a portion of my time daydreaming about living there. i just can’t help but fall a little more in love. there’s just so much to treasure.

the beautiful weather. the kind drivers on the freeway. the charming buildings. the beaches. the shops. ohhh, the shops. the food. the warm people. our relatives in laguna. ocean, the girl, and the body of water. trees with flower blossoms. disney. museums. art. everywhere there is art! artist. talented artist of every kind.

all the things that made twelve days there oh-so-wonderful but also crazy. busy.

kiana and i left two days before her nationals for dance started which gave us time to play before she had to become serious about dancing.


we had one final hoorah with some of our best friends…

the bland family.

thank you for a delicious meal, a warm swimming pool,

great company, and more fireworks!
we love you.

see that dessert below? it is the yummiest thing of ever!
wow. dusty & i ate ourselves silly!!!
as soon as i get my hands on the recipe, i will be sharing it.

who oh who is reading my blog these days?
are you anti-comments???

{besides my loyal ten besties who comment,


is a local festival that coincides with the fourth of july, every year.

the festival honors four values…


i love the HUGE celebration for america.
the activities included in the festival are phenomenal.

there are traditions that melt my soul, every year.
my american heart beats and my eyes tear when the

three f-16’s fly over utah county for the stadium of fire.
i stand amazed when my body truly trembles from their power,
to me, it represents so much, so much bigger than me.

i love waking up and seeing the hot air balloon festival right above us.


our fourth of july

July 6, 2010
friends. family. good food. swimming. popsicles. volleyball.
fireworks. croquet. bounce houses. soda. laughing.

thank you to everyone who shared the day with us.
we love you.
