the cazookie.

June 7, 2011

kiana and three of her besties had their own little end-of-school soiree last week.

when the final bell rang, they all headed over to ‘the chocolate’ here in orem.

these young ladies are all fans of ‘the cazookie,’ which is:
your choice of two cookies doughs baked together in a cake pan and topped with a scoop of melty vanilla bean ice cream.

sounds divine, right? yeah. so, i’ve forbidden myself to even taste it! i’m trying to eat good, and once i take even the tinsiest bite of sugar – i’m a goner. it’s all or nothing, and right now: nothing.

so, my end-of-the-school-year celebration is going to have to be post-poned until we’re celebrating something else…


school’s out…

June 3, 2011

at 10:15am this morning.

my kids can’t wait for summer vacation! this will probably be the longest summer vacation they ever have – because, boston school districts don’t get out for summer vacation for a couple more weeks… then, when we usually start school here in utah around the third week of august – they are not going to be returning to school till the first or second week of september! that gives them a full three months to play! woooo-hoooooo! in my opinion, that’s how it should be!

and, in honor of the 2010-2011 school year coming to an end –
here is a long peek at a few of the activities/events my kiddos had at school &


we are still going non-stop around here to prepare for our yard sale…
less is amore, so we are clearing things out!


i couldn’t resist making this cute cardboard cash register!
seriously, i could make things out of cardboard as a career!
big-time-obsession! {hey, my kids like it – gives them something to play with later!}

i was inspired here, on oh, hello friend blog. then, the same cash register popped up on pinterest. and, as i’ve said before – i love pinterest. best invention this year. have you joined yet?!? if you need an invite, let me know.



“Raise your hand if you have held a baby big or small. Raise your hand if you have ever given advice to someone younger than you. Raise your hand if you have worried about someone day and night. Raise your hand if you have cried for joy at someone else’s achievements. Raise your hand if you have cared, fed, bathed, and nurtured someone other than yourself. For all of us with our hands up, clap and shout because this day is for you! And I do include all the guys out there as well that take on both mom and dad roles. Today I celebrate everyone who has had a hand in inspiring the life of another. To achieve greatness,


my mom has lived with us for ten years. in our last home, we had a mother-in-law-apartment in the basement and she moved in with us there in 2001. then when we built our current home, we built grandma her own little cottage that you can see in the post below. {she really enjoys sitting in front of her cottage on warm afternoons.}

with our big move to boston coming up, my mom is going to return to salt lake city and live closer to family there.

so, this feels like the end of an era, we are going our separate ways after spending a decade together… our kids are accustomed to grandma just being a one minute walk away…


diy: napkin bows

May 3, 2011

while perusing pinterest, i spotted this darling napkin bow. so, for easter dinner i tried them out! miss thirteen was my assistant, and after we figured out one, she made the rest for me! {i love having older kids who help!}



1. cut paper strips that are 8″ long, one-and-a-half inches wide. you can trim them shorter at the end, if you want a tighter center ring. fold the right side of the napkin in towards the center, leaving one inch of space.

2. continue by folding the left side in,
