happy fifteen.

March 1, 2013

i don’t even know where to begin.
and so i sit here, just staring at the screen, wanting so badly to be able to take this storm of feelings and find words that are worthy.

my baby girl turned fifteen years old yesterday.

DIY marquee letters, birthday party via seejaneblog

for starters, we had our traditional family celebration pre-breakfast…

tower of donuts in place of a cake, via seejaneblog

we are following a new trend to have a tower of donuts in place of a cake… for now, our kiddos seem to love it. {and it saves time!}

number toppers, via seejaneblog

party favors for the younger siblings…

poof balls party favors via seejaneblog

fifteenth birthday via seejaneblog

antlers plus party decor via seejaneblog

yesterday was a really rough day emotionally.


Baptism Brunch.

February 27, 2013

baptism brunch via seejaneblog

This past weekend, KJ was baptized. After the baptism, we had friends and family gather at our home for brunch. It was such a special celebration. By tradition, kids are baptized at age eight in the LDS religion. Because KJ is almost 10, he took lessons from the missionaries and made the decision to be baptized on his own, by his request. I adore his desire to be good, and cherish his genuine, pure heart.

white on white baptism brunch via seejaneblog

To celebrate, I used a white on white theme to go along with the purity of the ceremony.  For brunch we served all of KJ’s favorites – white powdered donuts, a crepe bar with all the yummy sides,


last september we had our family pictures by blue lily photography. at the same time they shot a little video of us. i absolutely adore those blue lily peeps, and if you haven’t checked out their siteyou should. they are currently touring the world teaching photography and shooting incredible photos in the process. they may be near you soon! they will be in boston again this Fall.

each time i watch this video i catch myself smiling from beginning to end. so many little things that you might not notice that happen every day in our family are caught on tape.

hope you enjoy the video.


twenty thirteen.

January 7, 2013

happy new year via seejaneblog

happy new year!

i’ve been back-posting for days, and finally feel all caught up! traveling and/or the holidays always set me back in blog posts. when they combine themselves at the same time — it’s a double whammy.

with the new year, and post-holiday zest, i have been cleaning. purging. and simplifying. i have cleared spaces in my mind that feel more capable to take on new opportunities this year. with that said, seejaneblog might be a little quiet this month. it might be a little quieter all year. some of my current-non-blogging projects demand more attention than usual, and i am going to fully commit to them.



December 27, 2012

we have this rule: no one is allowed down where santa delivered the goods until everyone is awake. everyone goes down together. this rule has never been broken.

so, here is sela and kj, obedient children as they are — standing at the top of the stairs trying to see as much as possible, and almost dying from the pain of waiting. waiting for their older sisters to wake up and get out of bed so they can go downstairs {insert: kiana moaning from her bed about how tired she is, each time sela sneaks in and tries to wake her up…}

sela and kj waiting for christmas morn

this is new: santa footprints… because our fireplace was hot,


christmas eve

December 27, 2012

sushi. holiday cards. good friends. good food. traditional christmas jammies. snuggles. cookies for santa. apples for the reindeer. movie: christmas vacation while playing crazy eights.

a new tradition: sitting around the tree sharing our favorite memories of 2012. my favorite memory: the moment we were all singing country songs driving around crescent lake in washington on this road trip. amazing: every one of my kids shared favorite memories that all had to do with spending time together as a family. no favorite toys. no favorite video games were mentioned. kj was almost in tears because he wanted to be back in cabo with his dear friends.

my heart was smiling.

christmas eve sushi tradition via seejaneblog

christmas eve dinner via seejaneblog

christmas eve via seejaneblog

christmas eve jammies via seejaneblog

bw christmas eve

cookies for santa, apples for the reindeer

family games

christmas eve with american girl doll

{all photos by me.
