fenway park, tour…

December 18, 2011

when the howell boys were visiting, we headed to fenway for a tour…

fingers crossed we get to go to a bruins game before this season ends!

fenway park tours, click here for more info!


dear readers, my images/photos lately look a bit grainy & i haven’t changed anything on my side. do they look this way on your screens? please let me know… thanks! xoxo.


“The first outdoor living history exhibit you will encounter on your visit is the Wampanoag Homesite, located on the banks of the Eel River. Here you’ll discover how the 17th-century Wampanoag would have lived along the coast during the growing season; planting their crops, fishing and hunting, gathering wild herbs and berries for food, and reeds for making mats and baskets. You’ll see different kinds of homes including a mat-covered wetu, the Wampanoag word for house, and a bark-covered long house or nush wetu, meaning a house with three fire pits inside. Food is cooked over an open fire using only the ingredients that were available in the 1600s.


thanksgiving 2011

December 12, 2011

…i had attempted to get most of the cooking/baking done the day before so i could enjoy the festivities with our gang.

we started the day at our local high school football game.

wellesley vs. needham
this is the oldest h.s. rivalry in the nation!
is that so cool?!?

sadly, we lost…

but, clearly, we still had fun!
look at all of us cheeeeesin:

we have this tradition that on thanksgiving,
we have “snacks” for lunch –
crackers, deli meat, cheese, veggies, pickles, fruit, dips…

and then –


Cheers Boston

December 11, 2011

I get asked all the time, “why is your husband a red sox fan if he’s from nevada?”

first of all, Nevada doesn’t have any professional sports teams.

second, husband watched the tv show “Cheers” as a kid, and was a Sam Malone fan.
in the show, Sam Malone was the bartender who was a Sox pitcher.

…at six years old that started husbands passion for the Sox & all of the New England sports teams —
Celtics. Patriots. Bruins.

it was mandatory that we take our kiddos + the Howell boys to the Cheers bar/restaurant on beacon hill.

Taking a break from all your worries,


…and we spent five days simply enjoying one another’s company.


for the past few years susan has had dark hair. yet, she’s notorious for this pattern: blonde – dark brown – blonde – dark brown, it’s just been a long time since she’s been blonde! so, we were chatting to each other on our cell phones as she walked out of the airport –

i said, “i see mckenna! where are you?!?

and, sure enough – she was right next to kenna! rockin’ the blonde hair’do!

i totally didn’t recognize her! obviously, we were overdue for spending some time together!!!

on her first evening in boston,


vignettes from boracay

December 4, 2011

what or where is boracay, you ask…

from my friend wikipedia, it is… “an island of the Philippines located approximately 315 km (196 mi) south of Manila and 2 km off the northwest tip of Panay Island in the Western Visayas region of the Philippines. Boracay Island and its beaches have received awards numerous times. Boracay was awarded in the “Travelers’ Choice 2011″ by TripAdvisor as the second best beach (out of 25) in the world. Boracay made a debut appearance on the Top 10 Islands list in the Travel + Leisure travel magazine World’s Best Awards 2011, ranking fourth.”

and how did we get there?

well, we spent a night in manila…
