trimming the tree
you heard it here first!
there’s a new IN-N-OUT burger approximately one mile from our home.
who would have ever thought that orem, utah would receive such a honor!?!
this is good, and not good.
dusty & danny were such great sports to make special runs to walmart for extra-needed white xmas lights…first they spent about 1 hour getting half the lights on the tree just perfect, then ran out of lights again and made a SECOND trip to wal-mart!
notice their outfits: do you think they coordinated this? xmas-colored gym clothes, with santa hats! they actually went to walmart looking like this!
my polaroid board
around the house…
red, white, and blue
was beautiful.
we attended church services with our friends at Christ evangelical, Myla still continues calling it the “rockband” church. The kids were convinced the easter bunny was not coming, so they were thrilled when baskets and eggs appeared on the back porch in the afternoon. We had a delicious family dinner, and some of us took naps all afternoon. Seriously, could it be any better? {we are all now getting to bed at 1am, due to naps!} The easter bunny, instead of sending the kids on their traditional scavenger hunt twisted things up a bit this year. They each had a colored basket and their eggs were color-coordinated depending on the child…Kiana was green,