i was pretty excited & motivated by the responses i received today to my ‘february blues’ post. a little part of me would love to be a personal trainer and/or nutritionist, and i get so thrilled to hear of anyone’s recent commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

also, daphne & i paid a visit to my dear sara, matt, & bronson today. nothing like a visit to the pediatric intensive care unit {PICU} to continue to humble me.

everyone has a story there. everyone is making sacrifices there.

one conversation i had with sara today was about ‘


february blues

February 8, 2010

i missed the january blues.

january came and went with a ‘happy new year,’ the chaos of starting a new semester, my birthday, kiana’s dance solo for 2010 was choreographed, a costume design is in the works, snow, snow, more snow, and ten thousand other things…really.
one of the ten thousand was our anniversary trip which filled my cup to the brim with sunshine, so i will definitely endure the rest of winter.
we returned home, and i am hours and hours behind in homework.


you shall be missed, 2009.

December 31, 2009

2009. you were really good to me. thanks for the beautiful memories. you’ll forever be tagged in my head as one of my favorite years yet…..

a few reasons why:

  • i went back to college. never realizing till i got there how much a challenging-inspiring, creative-educational outlet was needed in my life.
  • had two beautiful family vacations to mazatlan, and cabo, mexico.
  • this movie. maybe one of the best films ever!
  • got bangs
  • sitting by my man for three days of this.


I have never been one to make new years resolutions. I feel that I am too goal oriented already, I have to-do’s rushing around my head constantly for the minute, hour, day, week, month, year…you get the idea. I even have to-do’s in my head for everyone else in my family.
To add “news years resolutions” almost feels like too much pressure.
But, this year, I am going to do it.
Because 2009 is going to be great!

To start, I have re-enrolled in college. Yep, I am going back to school! I made this decision about seven days ago. I’m excited and a wee bit nervous for the craziness this is going to cause my family.
