…and just like that…

June 29, 2013

our boston adventure is coming to an end.

two years went by so quickly.
we had no idea how long we would stay,
no idea where we would live,
who we would meet,
and what we would explore while we were here.

but, we knew we would go to fenway. and this past tuesday, we took kj and myla to what was our last sox game, while we lived here… this time. becuase, y’know… we will be back to visit, and go to more sox games. and maybe, just maybe one day we’ll come back to live in bean town again.

fenway park via seejaneblog

inside fenway via seejaneblog

fenway team store via seejaneblog

to end on a high note,






“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
what they love about their big papi.

kiana: loves one on one lunch dates with her dad, and karaoke.
myla: loves traveling alone with papi, and “daddy’s special” recipe – a unique combination of vanilla ice cream, rice krispies, cocoa, and a lil milk.
kj: loves the stories big papi tells him about his very mischievous childhood life.  and nerf gun battles in the basement.
sela: loves bedtime stories by her daddy,



May 28, 2013

Wellesley, massachusetts art in the park via seejaneblog

last weekend our town celebrated wellesley’s wonderful weekend – a weekend packed with small town traditional festive flair. only, we’re really not that small town. only, we are.

sela art in the park via seejaneblog

kiana was sick all weekend, but the younger three kiddos and i cruised around to all that we could to enjoy the festivities.

community art installation in the park via seejaneblog

my very favorite event was the art in the park. all of the picture frames were donated from our local recycling center – wrapped in ribbons for each artist to weave fabric through the ribbons however you pleased. the fabric was also donated. then the finished hand-weaved frames were attached with zip ties to the entire community project.


Boston Common on Memorial Day via seejaneblog

Boston Common and the Rhodes family via Seejaneblog

dining at Boston Common via seejaneblog

memorial day in boston via seejaneblog

strolling through boston common via seejaneblog

character balloons in boston common via seejaneblog

wellesley girls at boston common via seejaneblog

leaving with flags via seejaneblog

33,000 flags. *the Massachusetts Military Heroes Fund sponsors a Memorial Day flag display on the Boston Common, with a sea of flags representing Massachusetts service members who lost their lives in the line of duty.

at the end of the evening, each of my kiddos took home one of these flags as a token to remember those who have served our country.

God bless the U.S.A.

{all pictures by me, Jane Rhodes} *here.


mary had a little lamb house in massachusetts via seejaneblog.co

talking to children about difficult topics is a hard, yet crucial, part of parenting. in the past i’ve discussed the “birds and the bees” talk on seejaneblog. that is just one of many difficult subjects to discuss with children. today, i am sharing ten recommendations for having similar conversations with your kids. i would really like to hear what you have to say on the subject. head over to Boston Mamas right here to read the post!

good luck parenting, friends.  i’m having my roughest year yet – darn teenagers.

* picture taken via instagram @see_jane this past fall while visiting the schoolhouse that inspired the nursery rhyme mary had a little lamb.
