my myla

February 2, 2009

has been taking art lessons from Kathryn Knudsen.
I fell in love with Kathryn’s art a while back in the Soel boutique
{i love soel – even if there’s no money to spend, i will regularly just walk through the shop to enjoy the atmosphere!}.
her artwork completely reminded me of things Myla is constantly making…

I hunted Kathryn down and wha-la! After a few emails, we managed to arrange art lessons for Myla!

Myla loves the time she spends with Kathryn.
they draw, color, use markers, paint, cut and glue felt,


Springville Museum of Art

September 26, 2008

I was one of two parents who took Kiana’s 5th grade class to the Springville Museum of Art today…

for a field trip.

Right now there is an incredible exhibition of Utah illustrators for Children’s Books taking place there…I totally recommend it!

I was the lucky Momma who drove the GIRLS…yes, there are 7 girls in Kiana’s class and 4 boys…that’s it!

one girl missed the field trip today, so there were only 6…
I have to note here: to all my ex-Korean English teachers –
Katie is from Mok-dong!
How cool is that!?!
{that is a neighborhoold we used to teach in!}


my myla

August 15, 2008

is a box enthusiast.

With her latest box creation, she used post-it notes to make little furniture…she also found a tiny light bulb {from somewhere in the house; at a later date I am sure I will find where it was taken from!} which is in the place of a lantern on the corner table…


She has been working on this for weeks in art class, and each week she has been so excited to share with me how much she progressed, etc. etc.

So, you can only imagine how excited she was this week as she came running out of class with her artwork to show me!

This was one of those moments, where I was in awe, I was so proud…the Rhodes art gallery has begun!


I have a new goal. {again}
One day, I will be one of the artists in the Chalk Art Fesival.
I really enjoy festivals like this, and they {usually} inspire me.
Myla and I will do a picture together, she has already committed to me.

Trax was our chosen mode of transportation this evening, at last minute, we tried to convince the kids that we should drive straight there, but they all voted to ride TRAX.

The weather was perfect tonight, low 90s but we were walking the Gateway streets in the shade, perfect! I took pictures of most of our favorite chalk drawings. There were over 100 chalk drawings! The kids took advantage of free balloons {non-stop helium inhaling},
