candy bandits costume

Are you ready for halloween? Are you dressing-up this year? Have you chosen a costume? you have eight days to decide!!! this year our kids are divided 2:2 in costumes.  however, our color scheme coordinates with both costume ideas which i think turned out pretty rad.  {i’ll show you our second homemade costume idea tomorrow.}

If you are dressing up and need last minute ideas, both of these costumes could easily be thrown together with items you may already have in your closet! or, if you need to purchase a few items – they are all items (black jeans, black hoodie, black chuck tailors} you can adapt into your wardrobe after the holiday. {bonus!}

since my kids are getting older — both of these homemade costume ideas adapt well to all ages. younger kiddos, older kids, teenagers, and adults!

without further delay, introducing: candy bandits!

my recommendations: ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE {NOT SHOWN: BLACK JEANS – for boys, for girls, AND black face makeup.}

we used old pillowcases, and added the $ sign with black sharpie marker. first, I sketched the $ sign in pencil, then went over the lines with black sharpie market and filled in the rest. {easy peazy!}

so… what do you think? the only detail i think could make this costume more rad is if they cruised around on their skateboards for trick or treating! ::smiles:: come back tomorrow to see jane’s second homemade costume idea!

{all photos by me, Jane Beckner Rhodes}

4 responses to “candy bandits costume”

  1. This is so adorable. I’ll be suggesting it to friends who haven’t come up with any good ideas yet. Who wants to buy a $40 costume their kids will wear for a couple hours anyway? I’m always up for homemade costume ideas!

  2. My kiddo was looking over my shoulder as I was reading your blog–you’ve inspired him and he’s gonna be a robber! Ha ha. So cute. Love this idea. Thank you. (We might just add a tag to his bum–costume inspired by seejane).

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