Cabo San Lucas, Mexico


I hope you all had a lovely holiday season. I hope it included time with friends and family, and you felt loved. And enjoyed as much time as possible being lazy!!!

We have returned home from our annual holiday pilgrimage to Cabo, Mexico. It was a brutal return to frigid temps here in Utah. So, we are holding on to these warm memories as long as we can!

Feliz Navidad! Feliz Ano Nuevo!!! xo.

*Santa brought all the girls Swedish Hasbeens in Mexico… we are all a family of has-beens now! 😉

3 responses to “Cabo San Lucas, Mexico”

  1. I had to watch both movies. There’s so much love and warmth and happiness in them. Looks like a fantastic time! (Oh, and what’s in all those boxes at the airport? 😉 )

  2. You are such a wonderful mom and I love your eye for finding so much beauty in the world! Looks like wonderful holiday my friend!

    Big hugs!

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