bunco, and “twilight” premiere

it has been a girls week, and we’re not stopping yet!

Our neighborhood had bunco tonight,
Cherisa hosted, it was the yummiest food and she has the most adorable
contemporary home I have EVER seen!

don’t ask me what is wrong with my NEW point-n-shoot – here’s the picture…

After bunco I came home for a couple hours and then Kiana and I headed out sporting our twilight tees to the midnight premiere!
the jacob fans-
{we were front row Joe’s since we did NOT stand in line a few hours for good seats…}
ivy came along and is such a doll-
the edward fans-
becky and a not-feeling-so-well jenn…
the movie was perfect. edward had to grow on me, but by the end of the movie i loved him. Carlisle’s make-up was a bit chalky/overdone in his first scene but I also loved him in the end. I thought Bella was perfect. so cute. us jacob fans will have to wait till the next movie to get more time seeing him…but i thought they casted him really well. it was so much fun to sit next to kiana during the entire movie and listen to her giggle. made the movie 100% more fun. for all of you who don’t already know this…I grew-up in Monteasano, Washington which is mentioned in the book twilight, and is neighbors to forks. i’ve been to the waterfall they show! in the book and movie, they have captured the area’s culture to a T.

7 responses to “bunco, and “twilight” premiere”

  1. Wasn’t it so fun? I loved seeing you and Kiana…I miss your family, especially KJ! The movie was a little on the cheesy side, yet I loved it still! Go Edward!!!

  2. The movie was so fun! I liked the movie, but the crowd is what made it so fun! OMG it was crazy! I love the shirts-I am going to take Mikayla this weekend.

  3. You guys look so cute! How fun that Kiana got to go. You’re such a cool Mom:) Sadly, I wasn’t in love with this movie. But i loved the whole evening regardless!

  4. I love all your outings that you have been doing. I actually just borrowed the Twillight book from my friend. I feel like I am the only girl that has not read the book. And ohh lala…Pecan Crusted Chicken Cordon Bleu…Yum.
    Happy Holidays Jane.

  5. I loved the movie!! I think everyone needs to re-read Twilight. The movie was just like the first book!! I can’t wait for the next movie. BTW cute shirts!

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