Myla’s dance coach, Cassie, is expecting a baby boy the end of this month. Myla’s Jazz company “mini elites,” planned a baby shower for her and held it in one of the studios this past week during their class time. We have known Cassie for a few years now and just adore her. She has played on my indoor soccer team and has sick skills on the field. Cassie has always been such an ideal example to Myla with her balanced love of dance and sports. Cassie is such a sweet heart, I don’t know anyone sweeter than her. She even has the most tender voice. We are sooo excited for this little guy to come into their family. They have two girls so far so this is going to spice it up a bit!
Cute girls!
And about the potty training thing, if you’re still interested (since it’s taken me SOOOO long to get back to you), email me at jlvbaxter at yahoo. I’d love to help.
Thanks so much Jane. You really went above and beyond with your gift. You are always so giving and thoughtful. I feel blessed to be a part of Myla’s life.