Blind Letterpress

Blind letterpress via seejaneblogSo… you may have noticed there’s a new look here at See Jane Blog. It’s been a work in progress over the past six months. I’ve been working tightly on the design and programming with a group out of India. I did a soft launch last week without announcing the new branding to hopefully work out the kinks before anyone started finding them for me.

However, it’s now time that I’m asking for your help! As you click around – please let me know via email or a comment here what is not working? There are still a lot of lay-out changes to take place in the next couple of weeks and I’m adding a few more details, it all takes time. But, for the most part – the new site is up and running!

You will notice – with the new site is a new shop! Over the years I have enjoyed offering printable designs for free, but now they are one dollar. The day has come that I am attempting to make a small income for the time I invest here, and I hope you will each accept that logic without any hard feelings. Also, for future little retreats – you will purchase tickets in my shop!

With a new look came new business cards! I handed these out last week at Alt Summit and loved watching peoples reactions when I handed them what appeared to be a blank white card. I absolutely love the minimalistic blind letterpress on one side with my information on the other. I worked on the design with Stephanie Ford of Simply Radiant, and the cards were printed locally by Paper Bandit Press. They both did a phenomenal job.

Blind letterpress JANE via seejaneblog
Blind letterpress, minimalist business cards via seejaneblog
modern blind letterpress, minimalist business cards via seejaneblog
Frank Lloyd Wright in business cards via seejaneblog
Frank Lloyd Wright in JANE business cards style via seejaneblog
I attempted to build a Frank Lloyd Wright style home with my new cards… this was the best way I’ve wasted time this week!

Photography by me, Jane Rhodes.

3 responses to “Blind Letterpress”

  1. I like the minimalist design and it looks great on my phone, but sadly I’m having a tough time with the font when I view from my computer. The font color for the body of the post is too faint, I have to highlight it in order to see well enough to read. It’s probably the settings on my computer that are at fault, but not something I feel like messing with. The best font on this page is the instructions for the comments section (by best I mean easiest to read).

    Love your blog, and I’m excited to see what you offer in the store. I printed your sewing cards at Christmas for my nieces & nephews and we had a lot of fun with those. They make a good quiet activity for church. Would love to see other designs from you (since I’m not creative enough to come up with my own). 🙂

  2. Same comment as Cicely above. The new design looks great, but the font is much too faint on my computer , iPad, and phone. Love the look though, and have always loved your content.

  3. not sure if it’s something on my end, but I read all my blogs through the feedly app. When I try to click “read more” on there (which then always takes me to your site) your site always says “oops, page not found”. So I have to use the drop down menu and click on home to be able to read the post. It also has that error when I try to comment on a post that doesn’t already have any comments. Kind of weird, but it’s not a big hassle for me, just thought I’d let you know.

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