before you know it…

christmas will be here!
{to be exact, in 95 days!}


i finally started nighttime potty-training with sela.
with our first three kids, i did daytime/nighttime at the same time.

but, with sela, we were lazy. we are older & lazier parents.
we purchased pull-ups and let her have an extra year to grow
before trying the all-dreaded night time potty training.

to motivate her, we made a stop at the toy store and stocked up on some
adorable new toys that she would earn each night when she woke up
with a dry bed.

as usual,
we, the parents, were more worried than needed to be.
i thought it would take months and months.

sela has done great!

in the last month, we have had NO nighttime accidents!
{good-bye pull-ups!!!}
she earned those toys way quicker than we expected,
and she’s officially a big girl!

the toys she picked out?


the cutest designed girl toys i have seen in a long time…

and trust me, with three girls ages 4, 10, and 12 in this home,
we own them alllll!

so, my first recommendation for christmas?!?

zoobles! found here, here, or here.
{i really believe these will be a hot-item for christmas!}


if you have an older, creative-modern girl:
MoMA’s modern play house here, and the Family here.

something else i am in love with…

i saw one of these on a girlfriend in August, and instantly loved the idea –
lucky penny necklaces! they are adorable!
i found an etsy shop, here, and ordered a few – one of them just might make it’s way
in to my christmas stocking…!

i requested our pennies to
be the birth years for who i am giving them to…
and, i also requested a leather strap instead of a chain
for a special little boy in my life.
because i think he will love it too!

{dear girlfriends, this is NOT what i asked your birth years for!!! hehe…}

if you’re willing to put toys on the fridge, these are awesome. for boys or girls.
my kids play with them on the fridge at grandma’s house!

myla just put together this k’nex amusement park swing {here},
and all the kids are dying over how cool it is!

it is a tradition in our family, that everyone gets new jammies on christmas eve…
i recommend these, they were a HUGE hit with my kids a few years ago…
and they keep asking for more!

it is also a tradition in our family,
that everyone gets a new outfit as one of their
christmas gifts.

this year, i will be purchasing those here, and here
because zara kids clothing is now being sold online {since sept. 2nd,}
and i am smitten with them!

{that’s it for now, more ideas to come!}

dear clever readers,
what are your recommended christmas shopping items???

5 responses to “before you know it…”

  1. Jane,
    Where do you buy the Zara clothes online? I haven't been able to yet, I can only see it being sold online to a few countries.

  2. tottie…
    you know christmas is already underway here… starting september 1 every store is playing the sounds of a merry christmas…

  3. Funny you mention this, I found an adorable doll house today at Hobby Lobby that Santa is dying to put together!!! Or at least I will tell myself that throught the late hours of the night.

  4. I've been on a Melissa and Doug kick this year!….Ross even has a few! For my Mom and MIL I've also found an etsy site that designs necklaces….can't wait to surprise them with their personalized presents! Thanks for the ideas.

  5. Hello Jane! I have followed your blog for a while now without commenting. Thanks for always sharing such cute ideas on parties, crafts, shopping, eating, you name it! I was wondering what you recommend getting close neighbors or family friends for Christmas? Have you given or received some cool gifts over the years that you could share for ideas? Thanks!

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