be creative: with wine corks!

good morning! i am writing from my hotel room, and getting ready for the first day of Alt. Summit! it feels like a bestie reunion, and i can’t wait to see everyone today. before i jump in to the world of bloggers, i wanted to share a fun craft idea with you…

if you are anything like me, you tend to collect things that look like they might be useful later: glass jars, buttons, pine cones, cool sticks, and wine corks! however, i would never drink enough wine in my lifetime to supply my children with hoards of wine corks to craft with…

to read about how we collected a bajillion wine corks + what we created… click here to head over to Boston Mamas for all the details! this could be one of the most affordable crafts you ever make! xoxo.


i am posting daily on instagram @see_jane if you’d like to follow behind the scenes of Alt. Summit this week.

{all photos by me, Jane Rhodes.}

4 responses to “be creative: with wine corks!”

  1. I LOVE the moving pictures! Your blog is fantastic! I felt so honored to meet you in person and hearing a bit about your life and what you like to do! You are truly inspirational, and not to mention, gorgeous! So fun to meet you at alt! newest follower! cant wait to follow along 🙂 Thanks for being so kind and nice 🙂

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