balance your passions, everyday.

my second project in my oil painting class was to convey an emotion, a moment in your life, a feeling, a mental disorder… or anything similar to these in color. we could only use two out of three primary colors, and had the option of using white and black. also, it needed to be non-objective.

my project is finished. it’s been critiqued, and it’s on display in the entry of our home. i also planned it to be a part of my valentine’s decor~

what does my painting represent?

it mixes a couple of things…

first, balance.
i am always striving for balance in my life. I tried to somewhat balance my composition symmetrically on a diagonal to show this.

second, passions.
i find myself constantly balancing my passions. which i think is good, because i certainly know where i find bliss. my husband. kids. art. focusing on good health, within myself. working with the love-valentine’s color motif i had in mind, but i also love yellow & grey so i didn’t want to stick to just pinks/reds. i tried to convey the mix of balancing one’s passions.

how do you think i did?
any art critiques out there???

2 responses to “balance your passions, everyday.”

  1. Girl, you are "sickly" talented! I love that you are so loong your classes. You are so creative and need this outlet!!

    I think you should give art lessons or be an art teacher.

  2. {1} it's really awesome to see your immense talent grow with every project! i am glad i was there when you started classes, so i can see the development.

    {2} how did you format your blog to have links on both sides of the window… like your personal links on the left and the ads and other blogs on the right…?

    {3} i have your birthday present (soo soo late, i'm sorry) and would love to get it to ya when you have a free minute… let me know!

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