back to school teacher gift + gift card printable

back to school teacher gifts via seejaneblog

my kiddos start school this week. and while i am not ready for summer vacation to end, i am craving some routine in our life! any other parents feeling this way? our oldest daughter has sophomore day today – here in utah some of the high schools are only tenth through twelfth grade, so the sophomores go a day early before the upper class-men arrive to help them find all their classes with less students in the buildings. kiana has technically started high school twice now. she’s a pro.

all three of my other kiddos start tomorrow. sela has the same first grade teacher that all three of her siblings had and we couldn’t be more excited!

back to school teacher gift via seejaneblog

for my kiddos in elementary school, i wanted to send a small gift for their teachers – to wish them well for the upcoming school year. teachers work so hard, why wait till the end of the year to show our appreciation?!? right?

volcano room spray gift idea via seejaneblog

i enjoy sharing my favorite things with others when it’s time to give a gift. this time, i chose volcano::capri blue room spray and candles – i love these! have you smelled them? sooo good!

also – keep the room spray in your car, and use it in place of an air freshener!

teacher gift for back to school via seejaneblog

download the gift card HERE and wish those you care about a year erupting with good things! teachers. coaches. roommates. friends. children. if i had kids in college, i would use this idea and tuck the card + gift into their luggage as they head off this fall for a little surprise wishing them well.

you can find the volcano candles and scents here, at anthropologie, and if you are a local to utah county – they are available at soel boutique and amara day spa.

best wishes to everyone this fall! hope this year erupts with good things! xo.

{photos and styling by me, Jane Rhodes. card printable designed by lovely lindsay for seejaneblog.}

2 responses to “back to school teacher gift + gift card printable”

  1. Welcome back to Utah! Your kids have grown so much and Haili was very surprised to see Kiana at dance last week. She didn’t recognize her but remembered her name:) It will be fun to see you around town again.

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