back to school…back to dance

if back to school wasn’t crazy enough with four kids,
we have been up to our necks in dance stuff lately!

sela is taking tumbling and dance at CS this year. loves them both!

kiana is once again the youngest dancer on teen company at CS, and has been going nonstop. two weeks ago, on sept. 8th, her team with the senior company auditioned their production number for this dance show. the most convenient thing about auditions… CBS came to our studios here in orem! even if the kids don’t make it past another round, the experience has already been awesome! BUT, they were offered a contract to go to L.A. in October for the next round of auditions!!! we are all thrilled & have no idea where this experience is

going to lead us… i’ll keep you posted!

the next weekend, she and a handful of our teen dancers filmed a dance video for the governor’s wife for a DVD she is compiling that will circulate through all the elementary schools here in Utah… if you have a 2nd grader here in Utah, they will see kiana on the video this year…

stay tuned!

then the next weekend, kiana performed with a few of the teen dancers again, with our utah professional dancers and performed at the governors ball on saturday night… she had a blast!


this week, she is working with nikki loud who will be in town from nyc to set choreography at CS, and kiana is working with her for a new 2010-11 solo. other than that it is a ‘normal dance week’ for miss twelve… which only involves her typical 18-hour dance week.

almost seems uneventful!
{we are going to get caught up on Glee, and homework while we’ve got the extra time!}

sela’s dance class is one of my favorite moments of the week, and in just these past two weeks, i am quite certain i have acquired new wrinkles from all the smiling i’ve done. i’m smiling while she gets ready, i’m smiling when i see the outfits she picks out to wear over her leotard.
{like above}, and i’m quietly laughing while i observe her class. it’s wonderful.

4 responses to “back to school…back to dance”

  1. Too cute!! I can't wait until my daughters start going to dance class! So, I started your diet! AND I decided to try watching Desperate Housewives while I workout too and I'm seriously hooked.

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