B strong 5K & fun run

one more reason to B motivated, and get in shape!

“undisputed champion of the world,” his story, here.

2 responses to “B strong 5K & fun run”

  1. Sheesh…I just tried all the possible passwords i have ever known, and finally it was the last one I tried that worked! 🙂 I didn't even know i had a a blog account. Anyway, thanks for putting this up… I think we'll have a good turn out. There are a lot of nurses and doctors from primary childrens that want to come too. We're very excited..

    Jane, thank you so much for all you have done for us! I know you say that you haven't done anything, but one day I will sit you down and tell you all the things that have come to pass because of you and Dusty. Let me know when you have 4 hours and I can tell you.

    You guys are amazing and we love you…
    Matt & Sara

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