apartment therapy :♡: best family blog

happy march my friends!   i found out yesterday that my blog was nominated over at the apartment therapy site for “the homies” best family blog award!  thank you to whomever nominated seejaneblog. if you were here – i would kiss you! it’s such an honor to be listed among all those amazing blogs.

so, if you like visiting me here – i would love your vote! you can vote for seejaneblog here. {seejaneblog is way down at the bottom right now!}  it will take just a couple minutes of your time & just tickle me pink!

thank you, xoxo.

*the picture above was taken of sela on valentine’s day. she was super happy with what she picked out to wear. love this girl.

17 responses to “apartment therapy :♡: best family blog”

  1. I voted too girl! And love Sela’s outfit…one day when Stella isn’t so super-hero obsessed I may be able to get her to wear some real clothes!

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