altitude design summit

a.k.a. “alt.”

last year i attended alt., and had the best time. it was like adult-design-summer camp with inspiration and lovely people  everywhere.

this year, i am more prepared. i also have a serious fetish with letterpress. because of this fetish, i had new business cards designed via studio on fire. they were fantastic to work with & if you are in the market for anything-letterpress. look them up. they’re legit.

why drawstring bags? because last year i walked around with business cards stuffed in my handbag all over the place!  this year, i want to help everyone be more organized!  these little bags {made here} can help everyone keep those well-designed cards all in one place.

before i let you go, make sure you go look at this. did you know letterpress was such an intricate-involved process? truly beautiful. i watch this video & it makes me wish i had one of these machines so i could make my own cards & posters. i’ve never taken a class on letterpress, but it’s on my creative-to-do list for 2012.

three cheers for alt., it starts tonight!

{all photos by me.}

7 responses to “altitude design summit”

  1. my mother in law has a letterpress. so for our wedding invites i got to design them and then help her letterpress them. it was so fun! hard work, but totally worth it. i love your cards!

  2. My heart is fluttering. Those are BEAUTIFUL! Wow. And, welcome home! Hope you are enjoying every minute. Hugs to you, dear.

  3. These are beautiful! I love your blog, it is so inspiring. I also feel like if we met we would be friends! Does that sound creepy? I hope not! 🙂

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