a web of love.

thank you for the birthday greetings & wishes! my day was filled with family, friends, and lots of good food!

to my surprise, i woke up* to our bedroom filled with a web of streamers! check this out:

the streamers & balloons were my daughters idea – but husband had to do the work! he worked 12:30-2:30am to get this all done! on instagram he said,

here’s some friendly advice:
1) putting tons of streamers up in pitch dark is extremely hard and probably quite amusing to someone watching! #decoratingfordummies
and 2) DON’T start by putting your lowest streamer up first #soreback

the tiara was sela’s idea!

two of my kiddos confused mother’s day with my birthday on my homemade cards – i loved it!

the after-party! these two munchkins jumped from the top of my headboard & flew through the streames to tear them down!

it was a beautiful day, my heart is still swelling with all the love.

* are you curious as to how husband did all those steamers without waking me up?  the evening before, he brought me a tall glass of water + tylenol PM.  he said, “i just want you to sleep really good. sleep-in, don’t wake up early with the kids – I’ll get them to school/etc/etc.”  that alone, was the BEST GIFT EVER!  but…  that’s how he did it.  drugged me! ha!

10 responses to “a web of love.”

  1. I love those streamers, what great family team work!

    Sleep-ins are the BEST presents.

    I forgot to write on your birthday entry, but that blog entry title is something else, it looks fantastic great work!

  2. I am rolling that your hubby drugged you! Such a good plan…and what a sweet thing to do for you! So glad you had such a nice day!

  3. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday…36 was such a special year for me and I hope it will bring you much love, laughter, and good health!

  4. Ha! That’s hilarious. That was literally my first thought….”how did she not wake up?!?” That’s a sweet/hilarious story. you’ll be forever suspicious of “just want you to sleep in” stories from now on. You look lovely! Happy bday

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