a temporary farewell, my friends.

dear readers, without a lot of notice, i am taking my blog private for a while…

think of it as a sabbatical. i’ve been easily overwhelmed these past few months, and just need to step away from blogging, facebook, twitter, etc. indefinitely. i want to more easily focus on my health, my family and their constantly changing needs, getting settled into our new home, my classes, more yoga, thoroughly enjoy the holidays, and rest as often as possible.

this should be easy to do without formerly shutting everything down – but it’s not for me… i want to always be doing it all, i crave doing it all, and while i have access to these networks i am not able to walk away from them on my own.

i will still be on instagram – because oh how i love that jewel of a network. however, i will be cutting back to just the people i really really know in real life. please, oh please do not be offended if you are no longer able to follow me there.

i hope to be back in all of these places, by maybe the middle of 2014-ish. when i do come back, i hope to have a new look for this space + fresh ideas, and lots of our life to share with you!

be well.


12 responses to “a temporary farewell, my friends.”

  1. I shall miss your blog immensely. However, there is nothing more important than making sure you are looking after yourself and your family. I wish you much peace and happiness. Best wishes and thank you for creating a beautiful corner of the internet.

  2. Dear Jane, IĀ“m really going to miss your blog, but it`s important to have enough time for yourself and the ones you love. Hope, you will come back…

  3. I’ll miss your wonderful ideas and beautiful photographs! All the best to you with everything that’s going on.

  4. Jane,

    I know we don’t “know know” one another, but over the past few months your blogs have made it so that I consider you a positive, inspirational and admirable force in my life. I think I speak for most of your readers when saying that your posts are so very relatable, in so many aspects, and that your ideas and family-focused attitude are one of the many reasons that you blogs are anticipated with such excitement.

    It has also been clear to see that you serve as all things to all people and while you maintain such balance throughout all of your responsibilities, I feel that the decision to step away is wise and will be so beneficial in the long run. With the holidays approaching, I hope that you are able to relax and really enjoy being with family without the added pressure of social media.

    I look forward to your return in 2014 and reading up on all of the creative happenings that you’ll encounter between now and then.

    Thanks for keeping your readers informed, for sharing your wonderful creations and for recognizing the importance of taking care of ourselves.

    Kristin in VA

  5. I, too, will miss your blog*and instagram!). You have been inspirational to me in following your blog, perhaps more than you realize. Your decision feels in line with the focus of the work you do here and I applaud you in knowing when to step back. Here’s looking forward to a reinvigorated Jane in 2014.

  6. I’m sure I’m one of many who will definitely miss your blog and instagram! I totally understand your desire to take a break for a while, and look forward to hopefully seeing you back on-line in 2014!

    One of the things I most appreciate about your blog is that you have teenagers and write about family life with teens. Most blogs out there are about young families and younger children (babies, toddlers, elementary). You are one of very few bloggers with older children, and as such are a very precious voice in the blog world!

    Looking forward to 2014 . . . !

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your talents, travels, and precious family. It’s been an honor to share so many adventures with you all. I wish you the very best during your sabbatical and look forward to hearing from you again in the future. ***Please excuse a possible repeat…wifi problems today!

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