a summer to remember…

we are navigating this new ‘move to boston’ adventure of ours with no map, which is really the best part.

there is freedom in the fact that we have no plan. we have a long list of “would like to do’s!”

we didn’t know anyone here. we don’t know how long we plan on staying – and, we have no idea where we’ll go from here. so far, we haven’t hooked up our tv’s, and this simplicity has forced us to all center our attention on one another. it’s glorious.

very simple chores/events like going to the laundromat when we were in hotels for so long + washing our own cars till we found local car washes + daily indoor picnics on our family room floor while we didn’t have any furniture… these daily details are spotting our adventure with simple beauty. and, i love it, so hard.

we are living in a rain-kissed town that gives us big beautiful green trees, an occasional day with thick humidity, lush green lawns, and i love the combination of these elements. they are a beautiful back-drop to discovering new things. however, i like both ends of the spectrum. the thrill of new adventure, as well as the comfort and convenience of routine and feeling settled. we spent most of the past two months on the adventure side, so now we are reestablishing the settled side.

{i’ll be posting about our new home – next!!!}

also, many of the photos i’ve been posting are from my new ipnone app, “instagram” – i am obsessed, and totally recommend it! if you have the app, feel free to follow me – i’ll follow you too! i love the artsy feel of the photos, and how it connects people daily via photos, especially now that i’m so far away from all my favorite people. xoxo.

2 responses to “a summer to remember…”

  1. it’s kinda fun being able to witness first hand how glorious it really is! love the entertainment from ‘tea & the band’ and being able to be a little part of that with you guys.

    seriously sela is so stinkin cute!

  2. I used to get IN those huge dryers when I attended Harvard and go for a spin. We’d make it round one time then bust open the door. I think my roommate even broke one haha! Cheap entertainment in Boston (wink!) Living out of a suitcase (which I did for YEARS!!) really is the pits. Not too glam, I fully agree!

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