if you are a local utah county resident…
this is an incredible deal!!!
the 4-pack of all passes includes: UNLIMITED
seven peaks, trafalga, orem owlz games, utah flash games, and the old liberty land –
that is now the trafalga fun park…
FOUR season passes, to all FIVE things…
for $139.95, that is $32.50/person… say wha???
for 2011.
{just purchased two sets for our family!}
run, don’t walk!!!
we have 7 peaks passes and have been going to liberty land on them too, so do i need to get seperate ones if they are letting me just use my 7 peaks pass?
I just bought mine!
So why do you need two sets for your family? Just wondering…
Sounds like so much fun!
hey Amy… I need two because there are four to a set…with six of us, we are buying two sets to get eight then we're keeping one around for a nanny and selling the 8th pass, it's extra…
make sense???