a change of pace

I have been doing the same work-out for the past five years with additional side sports/extra outdoorsy activities now and then.
Like indoor soccer.
Well, my sweet husband has been expelled from our indoor soccer building for one year…so the family activity of playing indoor soccer is going to be put on hold for a time, for me and the hubby.
Not the kids.
And since I’ve been doing the same old thing for SO long now, it was time for some change…

I have joined the world of pilates, and I am loving it! Two of my friends had talked about this great pilates studio and my one friend Lu has been raving about it for like a year! Shannon and I took our first free class together and I’ve been hooked since. I love the change. I love the exceptionally clean studio, I love working out barefoot, I love the unique work-out, I love the personal attention the instructor gives everyone. I love how Pilates focuses on the core and flexibility in so many muscles groups.

The studio is in the riverwoods in Provo, and it is just the perfect size = not a huge gym, clean, quaint, i love it… Studio Physiques
James Urianza is the owner and instructor, he works ya, let me tell you! I love the challenge.If you are looking for or interested in a new work out, you should check out this place! Class space does fill up quickly, and is limited, so call before everyone sets their new years resolutions!

3 responses to “a change of pace”

  1. i love pilates!!! although i havent done it for over 6 months now. i let my gym membership go and i havent found anywhere that does it. maybe i will check this place out!

  2. I am so glad that you are loving it! At this point, I don’t know how I’ll ever live without it!:) I wish we were in the same group. That would be so much fun.

  3. Ummmmm…I’d rather hear the story of why Dusty isn’t allowed in the indoor soccer place. Interesting, very, very interesting.

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