97.1 zht jack-o-cuties contest

Kiana’s adorable friend Cheyenne informed me a couple of days ago that I should enter KJ’s bumblebee transformer costume into the

97.1 Jack-o-Cuties Costume contest!

So, I did! I will find out TOMORROW if his picture was accepted,
and if it was…
I will really need the blog community’s VOTES!
Everyone would have about 10 days to send in one vote per email address online,
and he could win $500

cross your fingers, and WISH US LUCK!!!


4 responses to “97.1 zht jack-o-cuties contest”

  1. What a great idea because that is the COOLEST most creative costume I have EVER seen!! I hope you are chosen!

  2. I LOVE That you did that, i went tanning the other day and heard it on the Radio and totally thought about Entering. I even thought about Entering KJ’s costume for you to just see. Too funny!

    YAHOO vote for KJ!!

  3. I’ll vote! I looked at the costumes they had up and there was nothing that even held a candle to his costume.

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