what: Father’s Day BBQ/Volleyball/Swimming soiree

who’s invited?: families…all kids who would like to join us,
with parents who have decent volleyball skills 🙂

where: the Rhodes home

when: Sunday 5-9pm

RSVP: by email, we will send you directions to our home and a food assignment.

4 responses to “”

  1. Ooooh, can we come?
    We love sand volleyball and are fairly good!
    Can you get our plane tickets with that?!!!!

    Have a good father’s day!

  2. Sounds so fun! We are having a Fathers Day deal here at our house too.
    LOVE how you have such a perfect yard to do EVERYTHING in!

  3. We will definitely come. Tell me what to bring for dinner. I think we will eat with you guys and I’ll cook Geoff’s meal on Monday.

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