Nicole Hill @ Rubberball did a “Mr. Mom” themed photo shoot with Dusty & Sela this morning.

In about 3 months we will receive a disc with the edited photos, but for now she shared these with us! Nicole was darling to work with!

I, personally, think this pink apron is one of the sexiest things Dusty has worn! If you tease him, you just might find yourself getting one from me for Father’s Day! ha!

Check out Nicole’s blog to see more ~

10 responses to “”

  1. Wow! I can’t wait to see the rest of of the pictures. I have to say the pink apron is pretty sexy,I think I will have to get one for Bracken.

  2. These are great – Sela & Dusty are naturals in front of the camera!

    Troy’s version would be slaving away at the crock pot in just his tennis shorts. It would take some serious convincing to get him into a wife beater and apron. That Nicole must have some serious persuasion skills 😉

  3. Oh my, they turned out Darling!!! I just love it!
    She did a great Job, and seriously isn’t that Totally Dusty?!!

  4. These are amazing pictures! And I do love the pink apron in all seriousness. Nicole is so great. She asked me to do some pregnant pics but I get way too embarrassed! That’s probably foolish of me because she’s so talented.

  5. Oh my, those are SO cute! Geoff’s little brother, Bryan, will so want to have a photo shoot with his little girl! And hello muscles – Dusty is ripped!

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