20 Yawkey Way…

@ the Rhodes house!
Barbara Nielsen, Daphne Blanchard’s very talented Mom, finished our basement play room this week! I am so impressed with her talents. Everytime she paints I’m convinced she’s one of the most talented people ever!

a BOSTON train station for our little Engineer…KJ
The train arrives in Boston and has it’s own BallPark Entrance to Fenway!

10 responses to “20 Yawkey Way…”

  1. WOW! I haven’t seen it in a few weeks… what a TOTAL transformation it has made! It looks soooo great! What a fun (and personal) touch to your fabulous Game Room! Way to go, Daph’s Mom! 🙂

  2. This is incredible! You may want to remove this post before Troy sees it and shows up at your house to move in!

  3. Too late…I’ll be there soon with bags packed!! That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen and you finished just in time for opening day. You’ve got me all fired up. I may have to take in a spring training game tomorrow. When is the patriots room going to be finished?

  4. Hello!
    That is crazy!
    I am amazed at anyone who can make something look so real out of paint! Crazy!

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