my sweet valentines ~ Kiana & MylaSela’s 1st outfit, prior to a day filled with chocolate…Sela’s 2nd outfit…Isn’t the root beer bottle a nice touch?KJ currently has this thing going where he always looks in a different direction than AT the camera. hmmm.

I helped in Myla’s 2nd grade class for their party – first we walked over to the nursing home next door to the school. The kids visited with everyone and handed out Valentine’s they had made, it was really great for them. Shannon Taylor organized the games & food for the party and did a really cute job! She played “musical kisses,” where they pass around a bag of Hershey’s kisses instead of moving in their chairs. Myla was a finalist due to a little favorism on Shannon’s behalf, thanks Shannon! Myla & Boston “toasting” with their glasses of Cherry 7.up!My baby girl and I…Myla & her teacher Mrs. Braun ~I ran over and visited Kiana in her class for a few minutes right as they were decorating cookies… mmm mmm mmm ~Kiana and her teacher Mrs. Davis ~Jen Granum had a Valentine’s dinner Party for the neighborhood… Here’s our little buddies Sela & Crew
KJ & Dub, Jen had activities for the kids to do till dinner was ready, it was so cute!
the “older” kids making bracelets, and sticker pictures…Dusty’s putting his muscles to use – trying to cut the 7-layer FROZEN Magleby’s cake…it was yummy!I love these people!!! The Gleed’s/Morton’s/Granum’s/us…We are so spoiled – Dusty sent flowers to me, Kiana, Myla, and Sela…and the rumor is, I only had to date and/or occasionally sleep with the o
wner of Pro Look Sports for approx. 13 years to get my very first pair of Pro Look shorts! Happy Valentine’s Day, to me!!!

10 responses to “”

  1. What a great day! The class parties look so cute, your kids treats were fun, Sela is adorable, and I love the mirror picture. Great idea! We had a great time with you guys tonight, as always! Tell Dusty I’ll send some sugar cookies with the boys tomorrow morning – I forgot to give him some before you left.

  2. What an eventful Valentines Day! I’m glad you guys had fun. I can’t believe you just got your first pair of Pro Look shorts that’s crazy. Your kids are so cute ps by the way. I can’t wait for Bella and Sela to become best of friends.

  3. Very fun day for you and your kids. Are you all suffering a sugar high? We are! Aarrggh! Love the flowers and shorties. Where do the girls go to school?

  4. What a great Valentine’s Day! Your kids are adorable! I love the pic of KJ-so cute and could Sela be any cuter? LOVE her outfits. Like your shorts too-very cute and the perfect color for Valentine’s Day and everyday for that matter 🙂

  5. So fun! LOVE the Pro look short, i think i even have a pair. hehehe
    Sad that we missed out on the Valentines Party with you all, the cake looks AMAZING!!!

  6. What a fun and busy Valentine’s Day. Sela’s outfit and glasses are so cute – I can’t believe she left the glasses on voluntarily. Love the pink shorts too. Troy still wears one of his Pro-Look hats all the time. I think it has grown into the shape of his head!

  7. What a great Valentine’s Day! Fun. Your little family is so beautiful. I love all of your Valentine outfits – I’m all about that. Thumbs up to Dusty for the flowers, they’re georgeous.

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