
Boston Red Sox fan via seejaneblog
teen silhouette via seejaneblog
boy tween style via seejaneblog
American girl doll and girl matching glasses via seejaneblog
Australian Labradoodle puppy after a bath getting warm via seejaneblogA portrait of my children (and puppy), once a week, every week, in 2015.

Kiana: Sox hat for the win.

Myla: “Mom!!! What shoes should I wear? What would look good with this?” Every day. I love it.

KJ: Boys fashion is all about the socks these days.

Sela: Officially has her own little space in our house for her toys. The struggle has been real, folks. This girl doesn’t just play with toys she designs and creates and builds little worlds for everything. The past couple years we’ve been moving her creations all over the house or the puppy gets them or friends visit and take them apart, or we need to clean and move them somewhere else – and there have been sad, genuine meltdowns multiple times. Not anymore. She can create now in the privacy of her own attic playroom – hence, the American girl doll stuff is out in full force!

Wellesley Baloo: This is what she does after a bath – she hides or buries herself in a blanket to get warm and doesn’t come out for HOURS till she’s almost dry!

All photos by me, Jane Rhodes

One response to “16/52”

  1. Yay for Sela! She has so much creative energy, I love it. Can’t wait to see her new magical place to play…

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