
kiana at softball

myla outside

KJ in sunglasses

sela lounging

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

*kiana: wants to grow up and be a professional hair stylist/make-up artist. for hollywood.
myla: wants to grow up and be an archeologist. and play tennis.
kj: wants to grow up and become “the next Steve Jobs.”
sela: wants to grow up and be a fashion designer.

*she made her high school freshman softball team!!! and, she has been asked to occasionally play on the JV team. her first game was a JV game this past friday. she has a few things to learn (for example, she had a third strike, the catcher dropped the ball, and she didn’t know she should run to first — so, her teammates were all yelling at her run! run! run! hehe…) – it’s so fun to watch her. a total highlight of my week. we just need the weather to warm-up so we’re not freezing when we watch!

happy sunday.

One response to “14/52”

  1. I love that KJ wants to be Steve Jobs! Most kids pick athletes or actors. KJ is one smart dude

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