liking what you do is happiness via seejaneblog

enjoy the weekend! here in massachusetts, our kids are starting their february vacation. they have the next nine days off! one of my myla’s best friends is flying out from utah to spend the week with us, so we are having a stay-cation. it’s good to have visitors because it encourages us to get out and sight see! any recommendations for things we should see or do around boston that we have maybe not done yet? do you have any plans?

cheers to happiness! xo.

{image by me, Jane Rhodes}

5 responses to “♥”

  1. Hi Jane, I was checking out the best business cards of 2012 and saw yours. Noticed your domain was a .Co so I had to stop by to check out your blog. I love what you’ve done with the place : )

    Do you do design work or blog professionally?

  2. We have this week off too. Wish I was somewhere the sun was shining, but alas we’ll stay here… in the snow…!
    Haven’t seen you around my blog for a while! Come by and say hi!
    We really should meet halfway for a girls weekend sometime…

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