this motivates me. do you know the story of julia child? if you do, let me remind you that she was 37 years old when she started cooking. 37! i am going to be 37 on my next birthday in january, and with the inspiration of julia child + the fact my youngest baby is going to be in school full-time next year i am itching to continue my dreams. i think about this almost twenty-four hours a day. have you given up on your dreams? or are you living them? something to chew on today.

{image via me}

2 responses to “♥”

  1. Needed to hear this today as I am swamped with homework and heading into finals. I will graduate in the spring……finally! It has taken me years to get to this point. (I will be 40 next year and I started when I was 18) I thought you should know that about a year ago I posted a comment on Facebook about how I felt I was going to be in school forever. You reminded me that no matter what, the time is going to pass, so I might as well be pursuing my goals during that time. I want to thank you for that because many times when I have been frustrated or have felt like giving up, I think about what you said. This has given me the motivation and desire to keep going and not give up on my dreams. Have a great day!

  2. I love this so much. I have so much that I want to accomplish and some days the time just slides by…wasted. Thanks for the reminder!

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