
kiana sugaring pic

myla reading pic

KJ making crepes pic

sela on bed pic

“a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”

kiana: has serious skills when it comes to french-braiding hair.

myla: is a book worm. the girl read so many novels this past fall i banned her from reading in december, hoping to encourage her to be more social! we had guests in october that said she was like having a ghost in the house, you could just spot her moving from one favorite reading spot to another, quietly doing her thing.

kj: i gave him one lesson on how to make crepes, and this week he made them twice by himself!

sela: has a fetish for jellycat bunnies. they are named bun-oh, bun-ay, king bun, baby bun, grey bun… bun-oh is her very favorite.

nine weeks late, i am starting a simple 52 project that che & fidel inspired everyone to try.  perhaps you have spotted this project around the great world wide web, there are numerous bloggers who have jumped on board. what i like about this project: it motivates me to capture moments of all four of my children’s lives. if you follow me here or on instagram, you will notice a trend that i take a LOT of pictures of sela. she’s the nugget who is with me most of the time. i have three older children who spend less and less time with me with each passing month. but, i don’t want to miss out on capturing their life at this time too. this is a great way to document change and growth and will be fun to look back on when the year is done. a photo a week, times four. also, i don’t usually post over the weekend, and this is going to be my new sunday post. something to look forward to creating over the weekend. if this intrigues you, please join me and let me know in the comments below where to find the pictures of your children.

13 responses to “09/52”

  1. i too have been seeing this idea around several blogs. i think i will join you and start this too! i have a blog (that i have not updated in a few years) so for now i will post the photos via instagram : msmindy l
    looking forward to getting started!!

  2. I LOVE this idea! I had seen it on bleubird’s blog also. I’m excited to see the portraits you take 🙂

  3. I am going to start this week! What a great way to remember the days that are passing by too quickly.

  4. I can completely relate to Myla. I read so much growing up and I ended up with a close knit group of friends.. as long as she’s in some extra curriculars she should be fine right?:)

  5. Your kids are beautiful! I just discovered your blog not to long ago and put two and two together that I taught your kids a few private lessons at All American Gymnastics in Lindon! I remember loving your kids’ names, and as soon as I saw their names on here put it together! I can’t believe how much older they are now, wow time has flown! I guess I do have two of my own now too! 😉 But what a wonderful challenge! I’m going to start this week!

    Also- so glad you are one step closer to being cancer free! I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Best of luck!

    Carly Crosland

  6. KJ’s wife will be so thankful for the way you are raising him. Can I send you my boys for the summer?!

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