today is danny’s birthday!
we celebrated with sushi at happy sumo and a movie…slumdog millionaire deserves every academy award it won. we all loved it.
the cutest, most genuine, incredible kid-actors, great plot, completely moving. LOVE the Bollywood influence!Dusty finished the book a couple weeks ago and insists that if you read it before OR after the movie, they both have their own thing going for them and you should definitely enjoy both.
we have a new post-movie tradition…starbucks!happy birthday!
you are, and have always been a dear, loyal, and treasured friend.
what on earth would we do without the howell boys?!?
lots of love.
your second family
I love your relationship with Danny – so cute. Happy Birthday! The movie was awesome – I have been googling the little kids to find out if they are being taken care of – I’m sure they will be now!
I am dying to see this!! Cory was sick all night too, so bummed that we missed it.
The cast is absolutely so darling!
You really need to find Danny a lady. He’s such a nice guy! I have a gorgeous cousin but she’s probably too young for him, dang it!
We loved this movie too. Except Troy didn’t get the dance number at the end and when I tried to explain Bollywood he thought I was making it up! So good though. It really made me think about everything that I take for granted.