there is a new awesome iPhone app on the scene. if you are a fan of instagram, and want to take that obsession into video. viddy allows you to create & share with your friends fifteen-second videos. like instagram, you can add a filter + music. i love it – the first day i downloaded the app i created these three videos below. {all three can be watched in less than one minute!}
fun, yeah? are you on viddy? i can be followed as “see_jane” – one more techy treat to waste your time! ::smiles::
i am now a contributor for Boston Mama’s, a blog filled with daily tips for hip mama’s in Boston & beyond!
you can read my first post here. camera phone lenses! who knew?
{videos via my viddy account, this is not a sponsored post.}
I love all three video’s. They all made me smile 🙂 Myla’s tennis is looking great! You go girl
Love it. Installed it. Thanks Jane!
I’m gonna get it.