This was so good! We took the kids this morning to kick-off their Thanksgiving break, 5 days of no school. I love having all my kids home all day, so fun! We are staying in town this week so we’re packing it full of activities. After the movie we had lunch at “Happy Sumo,” everyone needs some sushi before turkey all week… Then Kiana and I went and had our eyebrows waxed this afternoon. My FAVORITE place to get this done is at Nordstrom. The Anastasia counter. Kelly Pack is the only master esthetician who does it at the Orem Nordstrom, and she is awesome! If you have never had your eyebrows waxed or have never had it done by an Anastasia trained person, it is a MUST! It is totally different than anywhere else. First of all, they mark how long your eyebrows should be based off your nose, then they have a ton of different stencils they use depending on your face shape for your eyebrows, each eyebrow turns out identical and perfect. Plus, there are other great things like the “brow-bone” highlighters, etc. I really recommend it. It is the only place I will get mine done ever since the first time I had them waxed by Kelly.
Then Kiana, Myla, and I went to our other favorite stop and had manicure/pedicures together. While my older girls & I were out having our girl time, Dusty took KJ and Sela on a 4-wheeler ride to the park. Dusty said he thinks Sela learned the word COLD while they were there. They didn’t come home till after dark and she was saying, “dada told dada told.”
Next was our family Thanksgiving dinner a day early, including grandma Pat and Danny Howell. I made the kids these little activity books for them to do coloring/mazes/word searches while I was cooking/getting dinner ready. I also gave them their own place mats to color. I printed them all from the internet. I DID NOT want to spend my entire day cooking, so I ordered our T-day food from Classy Cuisine in the riverwoods. It was really good, Sue Bushnell (the owner) did a great job – she prepped the turkey, stuffed it with fresh veggies, put an amazing rub on it then I just brought it home and baked it. We also got Yams, Green Bean casserole, stuffing, rolls, turkey gravy, pecan pie & pumpkin pie from her. It was all delicious! Plus, I got to spend the entire day playing with my family and not cooking/baking – BONUS! I did take the time to make mashed potatoes…and set up the table. Really, the easy/fun stuff.
What a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner! I can’t wait to get into a house that I can actually have decorations and nice things… We ate our Thanksgiving dinner with plastic forks on paper plates. Pathetic!!
Jane, I love your plans with your kids and family. I love traditions and I think it is important to not spend to much time in the kitchen and not enjoy the moment. Plus spending time with your kids doing special stuff is really unique. I love it. Personal Question: Do you have a maid, how do you make time for all the fun decorations and pre cooking activities. IS it because you have most of your kids in school.?Love Tami
What a great mom you are! That Thanksgiving looks beautiful and festive! Your family is lucky to have you.