last week i taught a class on how to plan a party on a budget. The main ideas I shared are this:
- make these homemade party hats
- make d-i-y custom water bottles labels
- add a yarn ball garland
- arrange your own flowers
- purchase a small package of stripy straws. voila!
a pretty table setting that can be adapted for almost any party. Are you in the midst of planning any events right now? Come back tomorrow to see some ideas for a summer barbecue! enjoy your Wednesday, xo.
{photos by me.}
This is SO pretty! I would love to come to a party like this
My husband and I are heading to Boston tomorrow for our 10 year anniversary trip. Can’t wait!
Hello again, Jane!
Thank you so much for the diy water bottle label post! I was inspired by your son’s neons + neutrals birthday for my own son’s birthday party last month. It wasn’t as brilliantly pretty as yours but I tried! Now I’m in the midst of planning a 50th birthday party, Southern Savannah style and would love to see more tips!
Thank you for exisiting!
Love the sprigs of mint. One of my favorite smells.
I love these ideas! You + party planning is always a good thing. Lately I’ve been seeing more people using bottles as vases and I absolutely love that look.
Thanks for explaining how to make the water bottle labels. I’ve seen them around your site before and I’ve always been curious where or how you got them done.
Looking forward to more in this “series”!
Recently found your blog and became an instant fan
I absolutely love your posts! May I ask what fonts you used on your photos? Thanks Jane aka Franny!
[…] spotted this over on See Jane Blog and I had to share. It’s ideas for a wonderfully adorable party, but with a very low cost. It […]
This is SOOOOO gorgeous!!! I love the peonies and mint…and I’m definitely going to have to incorporate those yarn balls into my little man’s first birthday party! Thanks for the fabulous ideas