my little cheerleader

November 19, 2012

last weekend we received an email from our local high school cheerleaders that invited anyone in our community to join in cheering alongside them the next morning at the football game.

i instantly sent husband an email saying, sela would be all-over this!

as soon as i hit send, i received an email from husband saying, did you get this? i bet sela would want to go!

ha! our six year old bug is a big fan of cheerleaders.

out of three daughters, i might have one who follows in my footsteps…

that’s right. i was a cheerleader.


elf on the shelf :: giveaway

November 14, 2012

something fun for this wednesday morning: i have a great giveaway for you! the sponsor is me!

in honor of the season, i have assembled twenty-five days of elf gifts and mischief, for one lucky winner.

the prize includes one {mister} elf + everything you see below for up-to a family of six kiddos. {my sincerest apologies if you have more than six children, i had to draw the line somewhere. and i don’t personally know anyone with more than six munchkins.} check it out:

one winner will receive:

1: elf on the shelf + automoblox by manhattan toy C9 red sportscar.


yesterday was husbands birthday. and, without really talking about it, we’ve started this thing where, for birthdays, father’s day and any day we celebrate him, we let him choose everything we do… what meals we have, where we go, some sort of outing, or lack of, etc.

big papi was easy. he went to his first Patriot’s game at gillette stadium on sunday, he cooked for us on the eve of his birthday, followed by monopoly with the kiddos, then snuggled up with the kids he watched spiderman.  on his birthday we ate lunch at his restaurant of choice, and finished the evening with the new James Bond movie.

i’ve come to believe, husband was Bond in a previous life.


tis the season to be jolly… fa la la la la la la la la! ahhhh, to be a child or teen during the holidays. it’s the most wonderful time of year, right? parties, gift-giving, shopping, seasonal traditions, traveling, special holiday shows on TV and in theaters. so many opportunities for fun!

today at Boston Mamas i am talking about tips to help our kids stay cheery during the holidays when ill moods arise. you can read more here.

what do you think? stress can be a grinch during the holidays, do you have any parenting advice for these type of situations?

be merry! xo.


if you follow me on instagram, then this is old news. but i wanted to talk a bit more about this here.

to those who don’t know – my oldest daughter kiana, “retired” {for lack of a better word} from dance six weeks ago. after devoting most of her life to dance, 12 years to be exact. yes, she is only fourteen {almost fifteen} but my petit woman had given hours and hours, weeks, months, and years to rehearsals. she was committed. she stopped.

the choice to stop was something she had been deliberating for the past couple of years. after a lot of thought, and a few tears,


*new to me*

November 12, 2012

happy monday friends — this week is going to be a good one! do you feel it? lets conquer together!

today i am sharing with you a darling online boutique i discovered recently — and although the shop is based out of the UK, the owner of the shop is originally from Boston, so we have a little kinship going on…

introducing: little citizens boutique

i was looking through the site trying to pick a few favorites to share with you — when i realized how MANY i was picking! i couldn’t stop! and of course you can look for yourselves, but here are a six of the hundred items i am drooling over:


this is a great shop to browse for christmas selections.
