This was SO much fun! We were supposed to go to Deseret Peak Raceway out in Tooele, but we got there and it was closed so the lady told us about this track in Delle another 20 miles away. So, that’s where we went and it was AWESOME. The best part about it is because its public property and no one is there to run it you can go right on the track to take pictures, help the kids, etc. which I guess is not the normal thing at a private track. AND it was free. We set up camp 5 feet from the track so we were right there to watch. We will definitely try Deseret Peak one of these weekends but we will also be going to Delle again and would love EVERYONE to join us!!!that’s right – baby!! This is Myla moosey tearing up the track! At the beginning of our day she had two crashes back to back which really bummed her out, then she spent some time on the beginners track and was loving it.
She went nonstop for about 3 hours. By the time she was getting air off jumps she would stop for drinks and not even take her helmet off – she would just pour the water in and be off again…
KJ hitched rides with everyone all afternoon. He preferred the 4-wheelers because it kind of freaked him out when Danny took him on a motorcylce ride and he flew off some jumps.
Kiana (as usual) cautiously did her thing all day long… but she now thinks her family needs to get her an 80 cycle so that she doesn’t have to beg Myla to ride hers which is a bit too small. She rode her 4-wheeler most of the day, and also took rides with Danny.
Dusty & I unfortunately were incredibly sick still while we were out in Delle so I took shade under our tent most the day and just kept everyone hydrated, fed, and their wounds covered. Every kid had blisters on their thumbs from not wearing their gloves by the end of the day. Here is the ONE picture I was in while nursing Kiana’s blister.
The Howell boys went with us (actually took us)and combined we had 6 motorcycles and 3 4-wheelers; here are my favorite shots of them doing what they LOVE…Eli Howell
Ethan Howell
Danny Howell
Jonah Howell and Myla – I love their safety gear, don’t they look the coolest!!
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