photo-a-day challenge.

instagram has erupted my friends, did you know it was one of the top 50 iPhone apps for 2011? {that is a good list to look through if you’re searching for techy goodness.}

and, prior to the end of 2011, a january photo-a-day challenge appeared from here. i thought it sounded like a fun challenge to give my mind a little creative boost each day, so i instantly joined in.

here is a peek at my 31 days-o-january, i also downloaded the “365 day” app, it’s a great way to organize your daily photos:

want to join in? all you do is join the instagram bandwagon, follow this list for february, and be creative! it doesn’t matter when you start!

you are welcome to follow me on instagram and/or 365 day, i am “see_jane” on both!

cheers to daily-creative-fixes!

One response to “photo-a-day challenge.”

  1. I was so devestated that I couldn’t get an iPhone, since
    T-mobile only has Androids- that’s what I had to get. I will say that I have completely fallen in love with my HTC… but I am sad that I don’t have access to Instagram, it looks so fun! But I’m thinking I will still do the
    Photo-a-day challenge for February, just on my blog! 🙂

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