Little Red Riding Hood & the Big Bad Wolf made our first visit of the day to KJ’s preschool class…these little tykes were our most attentive audienceThen we took Recon Commando along with us to the Pro Look lunch & costume contest…while driving there KJ wanted to read the “Little Red Riding Hood” book in the car I had just read to his class. While “reading” he realized that I missed one of the pages. I had been wondering if he enjoyed mom & dad all dressed up or if he was embarressed and when he discovered the page I had missed he said, “Mom, you are going to have to come back and read it again to my class because you missed a page – actually, you need to read to my class everyday.”
The Pro Look employees come up with the BEST costumes every year, but hands-down my favorite this year was KC as Richard Simmons. He is in the middle of the group picture – what a crack up!
KJ managed to find the time to fit in some “Halo 3” at dad’s office employee room, he was Recon Commando because that was the best “Master chief” look alike we could find
The next stop was Kiana’s class. Since these kids are “so mature” we read them the story “Lon Po Po” which is a Little Red Riding story from China. Its very cute & clever.
Myla’s class was the most excited to see us of all three, they wanted to attack the big bad wolf! Shannon Taylor made this adorable veggie skeleton as one of the kids snacks during their party, I took a picture to put it out in the blog world as a really cute idea…
TRUNK OR TREAT @ the church parking lot
Open House @ our house, it’s our family tradition to have chicken noodle soup in pumpkin bread bowls before heading out into the cold. Here’s the neighborhood gang before they went trick-or-treating…
This is the BEST wa
y to do it – trick or treating pimp style with your own personal driver(Geoff Granum -what a great dad!) in the RHINO!
You guys rock! So cute to go to everyone’s class. i am sure KJ won’t forget that you need to come and finish the page you forgot to read to his class!!
Thanks for the Delicious Soup and Treats, i love how all the Neighborhood kids all stick together, it’s so fun!
Jane I love the costumes! It looks like your Halloween was full of super fun events. You and Dusty look awesome in your Little Red Riding Hood/Big Bad Wolf costumes!
Hey Jane! Your family is so cute! I love that neighborhood, Bryan and I need to move back there! I always check out your blog so thought I’d say hi 🙂
PL was a riot… I’m always in awe of what people come up with and will wear for 12 hours!! Lots of fun…
What fun parents to go to everyone’s class. You were a gorgeous Red Riding Hood and Dusty was hilarious. Thanks again for the dinner – it was great as usual – always hits the spot. Halloween was a great day – especially fun when you have such a great neighborhood!
I can’t get over Dusty in the Big Bad Wolf costume. The nightgown was hilarious. What fun parents you both are!