Our Easter morning began with a Scavenger Hunt…the Easter bunny sent the kids all-over…inside and outside…
{Myla’s pyjama’s never match!}
The kids loved their personalized M&M’s… Then we got ready for church, we attended the services at Christ Evangelical Church.
It was the best Easter Sunday services I can remember.
Thank you, Nate & Jackie for thinking to invite us. As we walked into the auditorium and Myla looked at the stage she said,
“We’re going to a rock-star church?”
because of the drums/guitars that were set up.
It was so good, one of the hymns we sang was “How Great Thou Art,” which is a really special one to me. It was sang at my grandpa & my Dad’s funerals.
Afterwards, we returned home and started the baking. The kids had activity books to work on and color till the food was ready. Kiana put together the activity books for me this time. What a great girl! I had Classy Cui
sine prepare most of our meal, and it was delicious. The Howell boys, Grandma Pat, and Starlee joined us for dinner.
Myla got a headache just before dinner, but is feeling a little better now…
We are all winding down off our sugar highs now, and are eagerly awaiting SPRING! Warm weather. I will be back on a sugar rehab in the morning. It’s amazing the damage sugar can do in 24 hours! I hope you all had a beautiful day, and that you were able to be with friends & family, XOXO.
Hey Jane. This is Cheyenne. Add me My blog is http://www.cheyennemurillo.blogspot.com
What a fun day!! I can’t wait until my kids are old enough to actually do a real easter egg/scavenger hunt. I swear you go all out every holiday! I love it!. I can’t wait for Sela and Bella to play with each other 🙂 We’ll be back in 4 weeks and most likely moving into the little old house behind the other little old house in the Berkshires.
What a fun Easter! I love the personalized M&M’s…so cute! My mom had Classy Cuisine cater too and it was SO good!! I love all of your pictures, they are great! Happy Easter!
Beautiful pics! Loved having you all! (I love that Myla thinks our church is the Rock Star church 🙂
What a fun Easter! I love seeing the morning excitement in the PJ’s. Your kids will surely grow to cherish your holiday traditions more and more each year.
p.s. love KJ’s suit & shades – too cute!
looks like fun! We have the same type of hunt every easter. The kids really enjoy it. I laughed so hard about Mylas p.Js because Makayla never will match her P.Js either. Must be the age.
So fun to get a glimpse of the goings-on at your house! Fun.. Fun! 🙂
Love the M&M!! What a fun idea for Easter! Yes, I am so hooked! I don’t know what I am going to do…..
Cute pictures. Just keep an eye out for easter eggs that weren’t found. My mother-in-law found eggs from years before when she remodled her house. Cute table.
what a fun day… holidays are so much fun when you have kids!
btw, won’t be there tomorrow night…totally bummed! but next week for sure.
I’m glad your hard work paid off!
You have a beautiful family!
Love that pict of KJ taking off those bunny ears!!!
Look like so much fun, your kids are beautiful.
Your family is just beautiful…looks like you had a wonderful day. I’m so jealous of the catering, looks awesome!
Good job mom! Your holiday tables are always so beautiful. I love that. You did a great job creating the perfect day for your family. I’m sure you just sat back and smiled at their joy.
P.S. you look like one hot momma in the picture of you and KJ!
It looks like you all had a very happy Easter! Love the m&m’s!!! Your kids are just darling. Love the bunny costume, or is it a costume???? hmmm…..
Gorgeous dinner – and you all look so cute for church. I love KJ’s suit and shades!