Christmas 2015 from Jane Rhodes on Vimeo.
Christmas felt extra special this year. I caught myself all day long every day for weeks humming Christmas songs and walking with an extra upbeat momentum in my step. The whole month of December felt wonderful. Maybe because I was in my last semester of undergrad classes and couldn’t wait to be finished, or just because I felt extraordinarily blessed being surrounded by loved ones. Whatever ignited the feeling, it was good.
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. -Hamilton Wright Mabie
Also, Sela played Michael Buble’s ‘jingle bells’ over and over in the car and at home for weeks so it had to be the song for this video.
Here’s hoping we can all keep the love and spirit of Christmas, all year long. xo.
okay that was SO cute
… would of been cuter if I made it in the video more than 3 times 😉 xo.
Wonderful stuff Jane! Have just spent a lovely 1/2hr watching your videos from your year – you’ve inspired me to do more video of my family. Glad you’re back online!